
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Welcome to the largest, most comprehensive database of medical research for Trumpet Players!


Copyright 2024, Mark Alan Wade

It Hurts When I Do This...

Search this site by symptom category, author, or journal. If it affects your trumpet playing, chances are that you will find research about it here!

The very nature of the lifestyle of professional trumpet players is conducive to the occasional medical problem. The life-hours of diligent practice and performance that make a performer capable of musical expression on the trumpet also can cause a host of overuse and repetitive stress ailments. Other medical problems arise through no fault of the performer or lack of technique, such as the brain disease. Ailments like these fall into several large categories and have been individually researched by medical professionals. Articles of this narrow field of research are not readily available to musicians and teachers.

The purpose of this exhaustive literature search was to produce a single database that collects and annotates current and pertinent research in the field of medical problems of the trumpet and make it available for the trumpet playing community, music educators, conductors and physicians.