Please choose an article from the list.
A Study of the Bacterial Flora in Selected Student Brass Musical Instruments
(2005) PhD Dissertation, University of Hawaii
An Investigation of Heart Response during Trumpet Playing
(1993) PhD Dissertation, University of North Texas
An Investigation of the Laryngeal Activity of Trumpet Players during the Performance of Selected Exercises
(1989) PhD Dissertation, University of North Texas
Evolutionary Algorithm for Generation of Air Pressure and Lip Pressure Parameters for Automated Performance of Brass Instruments
(2006) PhD Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University
Mapping Sound Intensities by Seating Position in a University Concert Band: A Risk of Hearing Loss, Temporary Threshold Shifts, and Comparisons with Standards of OSHA and NIOSH
(2004) PhD diss., University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Quantitative Untersuchung zur Beurteilung funktioneller Parameter beim Trompetenspiel [Quantitative Analysis on the Assessment of Functional Parameters of Trumpet Playing]
(1997) PhD Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität