Please choose an article from the list.
Embouchure Health and Maintenance
(May-99) The Horn Call
Fit as a Fiddle: the Musician's Guide to Playing Healthy
Health and Occupational Correlates of Perceived Occupational Stress in Symphony Orchestra Musicians
(Sep-88) Journal of Occupational Medicine
Instrumentistes à vent, quels sont vos problèmes de santé? Enquête. [Wind Players, What Are Your Health Problems? An investigation.]
(Jun-94) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques
Musician Health and Safety: Preventing Playing-related Musculoskeletal Disorders
(Jul-06) AAOHN Journal: Official Journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses
To Your Health - Mouth Peace: A Guide to TMJ Disorder in Musicians
(Dec-05) International Musician
To Your Health: Play Smart with Your Muscles
(Nov-04) International Musician
World News: Danger, Medical Journal Reports that Brass Players Who Play in Upper Register Under Strong Pressure Run Risk of Causing Glaucoma
(1996) Brass Bulletin