Please choose an article from the list.
A New Method for Quantification of Musician's Dystonia: The Frequency of Abnormal Movements Scale
(Dec-05) Medical Problems of Performing Artists
Acute Nose-Blow Palsy: A Pneumatic Variant of Sudden Facial Paralysis
(Nov-87) New England Journal of Medicine
Ageing and Dental Problems of Brass Players
(1998) Brass Bulletin
Are You Killing Your Career? A Musicians Guide to Good Health
(Jul-04) Canadian Musician
Ask the Doctor: Focal Dystonia
(2003) The Double Reed
Botunlinum Toxin Injections in the Treatment of Musician's Dystonia
(Jan-05) Neurology
Brass: Bell's Palsy - Part One
(Sep-00) Canadian Musician
Brass: Bell's Palsy - Part Two
(Nov-00) Canadian Musician
Caution: Music can be hazardous to your health
(2000) Update: Applications of Research in Music Education
Contact Dermititis and Other Skin Conditions in Instrumental Musicians
(Apr-04) BMC Dermatology
Current Controversies on the Origin, Diagnosis and Management of Focal Dystonia
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician
Dental Clinic for Wind Players: A Medical Study of the Sound Emitting Apparatus of Brass Players
(2001) Brass Bulletin
Dental Clinic for Wind Players: A Medical Study of the Sound Emitting Apparatus of Brass Players
(2002) Brass Bulletin
Dental Clinic for Wind Players: A Medical Study of the Sound Emitting Apparatus of Brass Players
(2003) Brass Bulletin
Dental Clinic for Wind Players: Causes and Cures of Sudden vs. Gradual Embouchure and Playing Problems Due to Neuropathy
(1996) Brass Bulletin
Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Correction and Treatment of Irregularities of the Front Teeth
(1997) Brass Bulletin
Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Effect of Overbrushing Teeth for Wind Players
(1997) Brass Bulletin
Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Effects of Disorders of the Side Teeth on Brass Playing
(1997) Brass Bulletin
Dental Clinic for Wind Players: Tips for Teachers in Examining for Dental Problems
(1999) Brass Bulletin
Dental Clinical for Wind Players: Halitosis, or Bad Breath, May Be an Indication of Physical Problems that Should Be of Concern to a Wind Player
(1999) Brass Bulletin
Dental Problems in the Wind Instrumentalist
(Spring 1986) Cleveland Clinic Quarterly
Dental Study of a Professional Trumpet Player
(Aug-59) Journal of the American Dental Association
Dystonia: A Trumpeter's Story
(Mar-02) ITG Journal
Effects of Loud Music on the Garde Republicaine Musicians
(1990) Annales d'oto-laryngologie et de chirurgie cervico faciale: bulletin de la Société d'oto-laryngologie des hôpitaux de Paris
Embouchure Problems in Brass Instrumentalists
(Jun-03) Medical Problems of Performing Artists
Epidemiology and Risk Factors
(2000) Chap. 8 in Medical Problems of the Instrumentalist Musician
Epidemiology of the Medical Problems of Performing Artists
(1991) Chap. 2 in Textbook of Performing Arts Medicine
Examen d'un musicien chez qui l'on soupçonne une dystonie de fonction: Étude basée sur plus de 500 cas. [Examination of a Musician Suspected of Having a Focal Dystonia: A Study Based on More Than 500 Cases.]
(Mar-99) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques
Feedback: Dystonia: Separating Fact from Fancy
(Aug-02) International Musician
Focal Dystonia (Occupational Cramp)
(1993) The Musician's Survival Manual: A Guide to Preventing and Treating Injuries in Instrumentalists
Focal Dystonia - A Neurological Disorder Affecting Musicians
(Oct-01) International Musician
Focal Dystonia in Instrumentalists: Clinical Features
(Dec-91) Medical Problems of Performing Artists
Focal Dystonia in Musicians
(Nov-06) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America
Focal Dystonia: Advances in Brain Imaging and Understanding of Fine Motor Control in Musicians
(Aug-03) Hand Clinics
Focal Peripheral Neuropathies in Instrumental Musicians
(Nov-06) Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America
Focal Task-Specific Dystonia Induced by Peripheral Trauma
(Mar-00) Movement Disorders
Focal Task-Specific Dystonia in Musicians
(2004) Advances in Neurology, Dystonia 4
Hand Surgery in Musicians with Rheumatoid Arthritis
(Feb-05) Handchirurgie, Mikrochirurgie, plastische Chirurgie: Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgie: Organ der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mikrochirurgie der Peripheren Nerven und Gefässe: Organ der Vereinigung der Deutsch
IHS Symposium 2003 Medical Problems of Horn Players
(Feb-04) The Horn Call
Instrument-specific Reports of Hearing Loss: Differences between Classical and Nonclassical Musicians
(Mar-00) Medical Problems of Performing Artists
Instrumental Musicians' Hazards
(October-December, 2001) Occupational Medicine
Is the Audiologic Status of Professional Musicians a Reflection of the Noise Exposure in Classical Orchestral Music?
(22-Nov-07) European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngoly
La crampe des musiciens: Traitement par injections de toxine botulique. [Musicians' Cramp: Treatment with Injections of Botulinum Toxin.]
(1995) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques
Letters: Reply to Michael Koller, Austria. Inflated Neck
(1988) Brass Bulletin
Long-Term Outcome of Focal Dystonia in Instrumental Musicians
(2004) Advances in Neurology, Dystonia 4
Medical Problems of Brass Instrumentalists: Prevalence Rates for Trumpet, Trombone, French Horn, and Low Brass
(2002) Medical Problems of Performing Artists
Medizinische Probleme bei Instrumentalisten: Ursache und Prävention. [Medical Problems of Instrumentalists: Causes and Prevention.]
(1995) Das Orchester: Zeitschrift für Orchesterkultur und Rundfunk-Chorwesen
Musculoskeletal Problems of Performing Artists
(Mar-95) Current Opinion in Rheumatology
Musculoskeletal and Neuromuscular Conditions of Instrumental Musicians
(Apr-96) Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Musician's Focal Dystonia
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician
Musicians with Focal Dystonia: A Report of 58 Cases Seen during a Ten-year Period at a Performing Arts Medicine Clinic
(Dec-95) Medical Problems of Performing Artists
Musicians' Cramp: Instrumental and Gender Differences
(Mar-03) Medical Problems of Performing Artists
Nerve Compression Problems: Arts Medicine for the Double Reed Player
(1992) The Double Reed
Noise and the Classical Musician
(Dec-92) British Medical Journal
Occupational Cramps/Focal Dystonias
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician
Occupational Diseases in Instrumental Musicians
(Jan-03) Lijecnicki vjesnik
Occupational Hazard: Is Your Job Damaging Your Hearing?
(Feb-03) Teaching Music
Orbicularis Oris Muscle Injury in Brass Players
(Jun-96) Laryngoscope
Orofacial Problems
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician
Pathologies chez les musiciens d'orchestre: Enquête dans la région Rhône-Alpes. [Disorders in Orchestral Musicians: Survey in the Rhône-Alpes Region.]
(Sep-96) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques
Performing Arts Medicine
(Jan-94) The Western Journal of Medicine
Playing without Pain: Strategies for the Developing Instrumentalist Reference
(Nov-06) Music Educators Journal
Pressions de l'embouchure sur les levres des trompettistes en fonction de leur technique instrumentale. [The Impact of Embouchure on the Lips of Trumpet Players and How This Relates to Their Instrumental Technique.]
(Jun-94) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques
Problemas de embocadura. IV: Tensiones y roturas musculares. [Problems of Embouchure. IV: Muscle Tensions and Ruptures.]
(Feb-05) 12 Notas
Prolonged Rehabilitation Treatment of Musician's Focal Dystonia
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician
Repair of Ruptured Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players
(Mar-89) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Sound Levels Recorded within the Symphony Orchestra and Risk Criteria for Hearing Loss
(1983) Scandanavian Audiology
Tension musculaire douloureuse chez des musiciens et EMG biofeedback. [Painful muscular tension in musicians and EMG Bio-feedback.]
(Jun-97) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques
Transient Ischemic Attacks Caused by Trumpet Playing
(Dec-98) Neurology