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Articles with the "teeth" keyword


Copyright 2024, Mark Alan Wade

Please choose an article from the list.

Ageing and Dental Problems of Brass Players
(1998) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: Causes and Cures of Sudden vs. Gradual Embouchure and Playing Problems Due to Neuropathy
(1996) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Correction and Treatment of Irregularities of the Front Teeth
(1997) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Effect of Overbrushing Teeth for Wind Players
(1997) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Effects of Disorders of the Side Teeth on Brass Playing
(1997) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: Tips for Teachers in Examining for Dental Problems
(1999) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinical for Wind Players: Halitosis, or Bad Breath, May Be an Indication of Physical Problems that Should Be of Concern to a Wind Player
(1999) Brass Bulletin

Dental Implants and Their Significance to the Brass Player: Part II
(Oct-05) ITG Journal

Embouchure Rehabilitation: A Comprehensive Method for Overcoming Embouchure Overuse Syndrome in Brass Players

Let's Fix It before It Breaks: A Career Almost Destroyed (Dental Work)
(May-92) ITG Journal

Mounting of anterior teeth in a special type of edentulous patient: the trumpet player
(Jan-79) Cahiers d'odonto-stomatologie

Specific Orofacial Problems Experienced by Musicians
(Mar-02) Australian Dental Journal

Wie Frontzähne von Bläsern sich bewegen: Untersuchung der Frontzähne-Belastung und -Bewegung beim Musizieren mit Blechblasinstrumenten. [How the Front Teeth of Wind Players Move: An Investigation of the Pressure on Front Teeth and Their Movement during th
(1995) Das Orchester: Zeitschrift für Orchesterkultur und Rundfunk-Chorwesen