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French Horn Embouchure Dystonia


Copyright 2024, Mark Alan Wade

Primary Author: Frucht, S.
Journal Title: Movement Disorders
Date Published: Jan-99
Language: English
Category: Nervous Disorders
Key Words: French horn embouchure dystonia medical musician
Full Citation: Frucht, Steven, Stanley Fahn, and Blair Ford. French Horn Embouchure Dystonia.Movement Disorders, 14, no. 1 (January 1999): 171-3.
Full Abstract: Musicians are subject to a high rate of occupational injuries, including overuse syndromes, nerve entrapments, and focal task-specific dystonias. Relatively few examples of musicians with task-specific dystonia of the oral-facial region have been reported. We present two French horn players with task-specific dystonia and demonstrate an interesting technique for retraining oral musculature.