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Articles about Orofacial Disorders


Copyright 2025, Mark Alan Wade

Please choose an article from the list.

Ageing and Dental Problems of Brass Players
(1998) Brass Bulletin

Bilateral Laryngoceles in a Young Trumpet Player: Case Report
(Apr-00) Ear Nose Throat Journal

Brace Yourself!
(Sep-93) ITG Journal

Can Surgery Improve Trumpet Playing?
(Autumn 1978) NACWPI Journal

Case of Occupational Paralysis of the Facial Muscles in a Trumpet Player
(Nov-84) Gigiena Truda i Professional'nye Zabolevaniia

Correspondence: Repair of the Orbicularis Oris in Horn Players
(Dec-88) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: A Medical Study of the Sound Emitting Apparatus of Brass Players
(2001) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: A Medical Study of the Sound Emitting Apparatus of Brass Players
(2002) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: A Medical Study of the Sound Emitting Apparatus of Brass Players
(2003) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: Causes and Cures of Sudden vs. Gradual Embouchure and Playing Problems Due to Neuropathy
(1996) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Correction and Treatment of Irregularities of the Front Teeth
(1997) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Effect of Overbrushing Teeth for Wind Players
(1997) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: The Effects of Disorders of the Side Teeth on Brass Playing
(1997) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinic for Wind Players: Tips for Teachers in Examining for Dental Problems
(1999) Brass Bulletin

Dental Clinical for Wind Players: Halitosis, or Bad Breath, May Be an Indication of Physical Problems that Should Be of Concern to a Wind Player
(1999) Brass Bulletin

Dental Implants and Their Significance to the Brass Player: Part II
(Oct-05) ITG Journal

Dental Problems in the Wind Instrumentalist
(Spring 1986) Cleveland Clinic Quarterly

Dental Study of a Professional Trumpet Player
(Aug-59) Journal of the American Dental Association

Embouchure Health and Maintenance
(May-99) The Horn Call

Embouchure Problems in Brass Instrumentalists
(Jun-03) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Further Experience with Rupture of the Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players
(May-92) ITG Journal

Further Experience with Rupture of the Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players
(Jun-88) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Head and Neck Lesions Commonly Found in Musicians
(Nov-94) Journal of the American Dental Association

Hypopharyngeal Pressures in Brass Musicians
(Dec-03) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Incidence of Signs and Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder in Trumpet and Clarinet Players
(1996) MA Thesis, Chapman University

Let's Fix It before It Breaks: A Career Almost Destroyed (Dental Work)
(May-92) ITG Journal

Letters to the Editor: Bilateral Laryngoceles in a Young Trumpet Player: Case Report
(Mar-01) Ear Nose Throat Journal

Letters: Periodontal Disease among Brass Players
(1988) Brass Bulletin

Letters: Reply to Michael Koller, Austria. Inflated Neck
(1988) Brass Bulletin

Mesures des forces exercées sur l'embouchure et des déplacements dentaires dans la pratique des cuivres [Measurement of Mouthpiece Forces and Tooth Displacements During Brass Instrument Playing.]
(Dec-00) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Mounting of anterior teeth in a special type of edentulous patient: the trumpet player
(Jan-79) Cahiers d'odonto-stomatologie

Musicians and Temporomandibular Disorders: Prevalence and Occupational Etiologic Considerations
(Jul-92) Cranio

New Tools for the Assessment of the Embouchure's Biomechanics
(Mar-05) ITG Journal

Observation clinique: Lésions musculaires labiales liées au jeu des cuivres. [Clinical Observation: Lip Muscle Lesions Related to the Playing of Brass Instruments.]
(Jun-94) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Occurrence of Parodontopathy in Musicians Playing Wind Instruments
(1977) Czasopismo stomatologiozne

Orbicularis Oris Muscle Injury in Brass Players
(Jun-96) Laryngoscope

Orofacial Problems
(2000) Medical Problems of the Instrumental Musician

Pharyngocèle bilatérale chez un joueur d'instrument à vent. [Bilateral Pharyngocele in a Wind Instrument Player.]
(Sep-04) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Pressions de l'embouchure sur les levres des trompettistes en fonction de leur technique instrumentale. [The Impact of Embouchure on the Lips of Trumpet Players and How This Relates to Their Instrumental Technique.]
(Jun-94) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques

Problemas de embocadura. IV: Tensiones y roturas musculares. [Problems of Embouchure. IV: Muscle Tensions and Ruptures.]
(Feb-05) 12 Notas

Recurrent Herpes Labialis in a Military Brass Band
(Jun-87) Scandanavian Journal of Dental Research

Repair of Ruptured Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players
(Mar-89) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

Rupture of the Orbicularis Oris in Trumpet Players [Satchmo's Syndrome]
(Dec-82) ITG Journal

Specific Orofacial Problems Experienced by Musicians
(Mar-02) Australian Dental Journal

Stress Velopharyngeal Incompetence in an Adolescent Trumpet Player
(1995) Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology

Successful Correction of Velopharyngeal Stress Incompetence in Musicians Playing Wind Instruments
(1979) Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

TMJ - What a Joint!
(Sep-97) ITG Journal

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, Facial Pain, and Dental Problems in Performing Artists
(1998) Performing Arts Medicine

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction in Brass Players: A Survey and Analysis of Related Literature
(1991) MA Thesis, Southeast Missouri State University

The Incompetent Palate: A Trumpeting Disaster
(1997) ITG Journal

The Natural History of Embouchure Dystonia
(Sep-01) Movement Disorders

To Your Health - Mouth Peace: A Guide to TMJ Disorder in Musicians
(Dec-05) International Musician

Velopharyngeal Incompetence Manifested Initially in Playing a Musical Instrument
(1990) Journal of Voice

Velopharyngeal Insufficiency in Woodwind and Brass Players
(Mar-04) Medical Problems of Performing Artists

Why Fix It If It Isn't Broken (Trumpeter's Career Ruined by Inappropriate Treatment of Dental Condition)
(May-02) International Musician

Wie Frontzähne von Bläsern sich bewegen: Untersuchung der Frontzähne-Belastung und -Bewegung beim Musizieren mit Blechblasinstrumenten. [How the Front Teeth of Wind Players Move: An Investigation of the Pressure on Front Teeth and Their Movement during th
(1995) Das Orchester: Zeitschrift für Orchesterkultur und Rundfunk-Chorwesen

À propos d'un cas de pneumothorax spontane chez un jeune trompettiste. [Concerning a Case of a Spontaneous Pneumothorax in a Young Trumpeter.]
(Sep-98) Médecine des arts: Approche médicale et scientifique des pratiques artistiques